And a Last Few Titles of the Year . . .

I’m unhappy with how few of the books I read this year made it into a post, even in the briefest review. But I’m busy, and I’m human, and I suppose I always try to…

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Yes, I still have to complete my 2011 reading list, but just can’t resist copying out this passage from Craig Taylor’s Londoners. This is from the interview with civil engineer, Nick Tyler, who works with,…

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Carol Matthews’ Labyrinth book

My friend and neighbour Carol Matthews has folded a lifetime’s worth of wisdom into her slim book, Questions for Ariadne: The Labyrinth and the End of Times. The book is structured as a conversation with…

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Starting the New Year off with Atwood and mystery and memoir . . .

First novel of 2010? Margaret Atwood’s The Year of the Flood, about which I think Puttermeister has pretty much articulated what I would say about the book(and she adds some interesting commentary about her longstanding…

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