Season's Sailing

I sketched today’s entry as we sat in the car with fingers crossed, hoping we’d squeak onto the ferry home. Can you tell that’s the e rear view of the SUV in front of us…

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Cold Runnings. . .

 Right after I finished writing the last post here, I headed out for a run. Crossing the bridge, I almost turned back, the sidewalk icy under the layer of snow. But while the footing was…

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Tired Tuesday. . . with a Touch of Joy!

 This week so far, it’s taking all I have to keep my classes lively, remember my husband’s name when I get home, and try to stay awake until 9 p.m., which seems the earliest possible…

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Lentils and Chocolate and Snow, Snow, Snow

What could Dahl — that wondrously fragrant, rib-sticking dish of curried lentils, ever so healthy —  and Nutella Crepes possibly have in common, you might ask? Well, cooking these very different dishes was part of…

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Walking on Snowshine . . .

Yesterday, I left my cozy fireside seat to walk around the island with my camera. Since then, we’ve had another 5 to 10 centimetres — yes, we woke this morning expecting the snow would have…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.