
An emotional week, bookended by deaths: a friend Monday, a beloved 90-year-old uncle today. And yesterday afternoon we welcomed our newest grandchild, watched our daughter-in-law nurse her baby, our son swaddling and rocking… Pure Joy…

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Happiness Check-in . . .

Soon to head off on their belated honeymoon, my son and daughter-in-law leaving their beach ceremony last summer — I love this shot, taken on the path between our place and our neighbours’. . .…

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Victoria treats — and a Table for One

In Victoria last week, we stayed at the wonderful Swans Hotel, with its marvellous art collection. The Hotel was developed by Michael Williams, an art collector, who bequeathed art and hotel to University of Victoria…

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Just down the Road — Weekend Getaway

These irises are not in my garden (I wish!) but are part of the landscaping at thelovely waterfront hotel we stayed in Saturday night in Victoria. Our son and GF have some good connections in…

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A Victoria birthday

Thank you all for the birthday greetings. I had a wonderful day, driving down to Victoria with Paterfamilias so that this handsome young man, our son Zachary, could treat us to sushi. He’s been living…

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