A Little Self-Care, A Little Guilt. . . a New Dress. . .

 Thank you so very much for your spirit-lifting, heart-warming, sorrow-and-joy-validating comments on my post yesterday.  Both collectively and individually, they seem to me a model of empathy as distinct from and preferable (for me, at…

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Five Things Friday, Anticipating Home . . .

Did you get a chuckle out of that little story I shared yesterday? Can you imagine the equivalent in a neighbourhood near you? One man teasing another that the flowers he’s just bought might be…

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A Few Hours in Naples…

Last Saturday, via car, then Metro, then fast train, we headed to Naples with our son-in-law and our 2-year-old granddaughter (our daughter stayed home with a heavy cold, sore throat).  Neither Pater nor I tried…

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Home before Home. . . On Ex-Pat Grandkids and Nursing Colds and French Detective Novels. . .

We’re back in Bordeaux after a busy week in Italy — a few days at our daughter’s home in a small town outside Rome, a few days in Florence, a day trip to Naples. I…

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One Week: Three Italian Cities. . . .Photos from Florence

 We’re heading back to Bordeaux today after a week in Italy, based at our daughter’s home not far from Rome. These images are from the two-and-a-bit days we spent in Florence, a city that deserves…

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