Coughing. . . In Italy

Still coughing here, and although I’ve managed a better sleep the last two nights, I reluctantly conceded, this morning — after getting up, showered, dressed, and ready to head into Rome for a few hours…

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Four Hours in Rome

Our reason for this trip to Italy is helping with our Italian Granddaughter while our daughter trains as a yoga teacher. A very good reason to be here, but I hadn’t really examined how it…

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Merry Christmas from Italy

 Merry Christmas to all of you  and all the joys of this wondrous season. . . Thank you so much for reading and commenting throughout the year and for keeping me company on my travels.…

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Busy Season?! Take Some Respite in a Renaissance Garden

There’s una recita, a recital, at daycare this afternoon before the school closes for the Christmas break. As well, we have to pick up a few little gifts, so there will be something for each…

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You Are Invited to: A Fantasy Moveable Feast of Friendship

I’m so pleased to join the group of bloggers that D. A. Wolf has been gathering for a monthly exploration of a particular theme. And ever since I was asked to participate in December’s version…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.