Sunday Morning Sketching, Bordeaux Mascarons. . .

Since our first visit to Bordeaux eight years ago, I’ve been fascinated by the city’s  wealth of mascarons.  Apparently, there are some 3000 of these faces–the majority, perhaps, realistic, but many fantastic or comic — carved from…

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Walking in Rome. . .

PLEASE NOTE: I’ve switched Comments back to an older setting which I don’t like as much, but which may allow more of you to leave comments. If you would attempt to leave even the briefest…

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An Italian Meal to Remember. . . Food and Family

We’re back in Bordeaux where I’ve been catching up on some online coursework, playing with watercolour, washing clothes and hanging them out in the sunshine, and visiting a favourite little Bar-Cave with Pater. It’s been…

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Happy Mother’s Day, from Italy

 This Mother’s Day, I’m watching my granddaughter’s excitement about the gift she’s hidden away for her mother — she bought it with her Papa yesterday on the way home from swimming lessons, and she managed…

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Trading Rome for La Piscina. . . .

If you’ve been following my Instagram account, you already know that we hopped from Bordeaux to a fishing village outside of Rome for the week, the main attraction being my daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter (not…

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