Girlcook and Materfamilias Eating in Toronto

Let me hand the mike over to my daughter, Megan, also known as Girlcook when she comments and as Dramatic Sprout when she blogs. She’s so much more knowledgeable about food (what with being a…

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mater plays tourist in toronto

I didn’t play much tourist-with-a-camera while in Toronto (more tourist-with-a-credit-card!), but I did snap a few photos of memorable architecture. Above is the controversial Michael Lee-Chin Crystal which puts a new face on the old…

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a little Toronto knitting detour

Knowledgeable knitters might be surprised to hear that I came back from Toronto without any yarn to add to my stash — they’d know how many yarn stores I must have passed as I walked…

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Shopping, Eating and Visiting in the big T.O.

Despite the heat, humidity, thunderstorms, and torrential downpours, I had a great time in Toronto. I’d only ever spent a day there, and that was over thirty years ago, so all was new for exploration.…

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Chez moi

Well, I’m back home with much to tell you about my visit to Toronto — a wonderful afternoon with Duchesse, who’s every bit as warm, intelligent, and absolutely discerning about fashion as her blog suggests;…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.