Rush, rush, rush, but there’s always time for more books!

Very quickly as I’m packing and trying to finish my conference papers. Quick treat mystery: Harlan Coben’s Hold Tight. Pater had started it but couldn’t get into it for whatever reasons. I picked it up,…

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Potpourri — mystery, chicklit, memoirs, theory

Okay, this is going to be one of those quick catch-up posts — if I have a minute, one of these days I’ll take a photo or two of the stacks and stacks of unreads…

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Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For

Mater in Toronto last summer, in front of the Royal Ontario Museum’s Michael Lee-Chin Crystal As I mentioned last post, I’ve been teaching Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For. My students are finding much…

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Too much sex? Stephen Henighan’s The Streets of Winter

Got your attention? Thought I could risk a catchier title! Last week I re-read Stephen Henighan’s The Streets of Winter in preparation for teaching it in my 4th-year urban Canadian fiction class. Once again, noting…

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Derrida’s Delightful Difficulty — and other reading . . .

For my Literary Theory group (a reading group of colleagues from my department), I read Derrida’s essay, “Economimesis” over the past week in preparation for a visiting speaker’s talk Friday afternoon — very challenging and…

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