A Potpourri of Titles

Yes, I’m still here. Some of my recent reading has been alongside my students in a 1st-year Literature and Culture class — with them, I’ve read Sheila Watson’sThe Double Hook, a Canadian classic, alongside Michael…

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Still Here . . .

If you read my other blog, you know that I’ve been weighed down the last few weeks by my mother’s decline toward Hospice care and end-of-life — compounded by mid-term fatigue. The result has been an…

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Two Books on the English Language

Many of you who took a 1st-year English course — called something like Composition & Rhetoric or Writing for University — will perhaps remember working your way through an anthology of essays — to which…

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7,000 words . . . and then some

that title, you’ll see, refers to the 7 pictures, presumably worth 1000 words each . . . So it’s three weeks or so since I last wrote here. Thanksgiving weekend, I burrowed my way through…

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A Reading Medley — mystery, Canadiana, knitting et al

It’s a long while since I last posted — three weeks? I know that part of the reason is that my last post mentioned wanting to follow up on my discussion of Amitav Ghosh’s Sea…

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