Family, Food, What I Wore, and Looking Back . . . Whew!

Busy’s good, right? Or at least, some kinds of busy are particularly good, and family busy, when you’re a Nana and the mom of four great young adults with four fabulous partners, busy is very…

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A Festive Mystery . . . and a Week in the Rear-View Mirror . . .

I posted this photo, sans animation, sans falling snow, in Friday’s Five Things post, and by later that day, I noticed this .gif version parked on my Google+ page, which I rarely bother with. I suspect one…

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Notes on Marking, on Sparkly Festive at the Opera, and a Sunday Review

I was delighted to find that the first paper I marked on Friday morning, first of this term’s 80+ research papers to be marked over the next week or two, was an excellent paper. Besides…

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Seasonal Foliage, Seeds, and Berries Arrangement

 I’m pleased that despite a stack of marking I brought home Thursday and have to return to students on Monday, I managed to get a great run in yesterday AND today, I got out in…

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Distracted Sunday, Looking Back . . .

Nola arrived yesterday morning, and we’ve been having much fun — I’ve never watched a My Little Pony movie before (although my daughters had a few of the 1st-Generation toys), and we did that last…

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