Get A Grip: Self-Judgement and its Antidotes. . .

The other day I was jerked awake from my afternoon nap by a horrid, pervasive sense of judgement, of being found not only wanting–a complete failure, in fact–but also ridiculous. I couldn’t remember clearly any…

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On the Daily, Sketches from My Covid Journal. . .

I hope you all saw my last post, about a reader’s adventurous plans for an ex-pat retirement in Portugal. I’ve always daydreamed about living in Europe for a year or so, and Carol’s description of…

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More Watercolour Sketches “In the Time of Covid19”

I’m (finally!) putting together the last of my photos fromthat Kiki Smith exhibition I saw in Parislate last year (seems another lifetime, doesn’t it?!). . . . Meanwhile, a quick Friday afternoon recap of some…

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Sketchy Days, Covid Confinement, Quotidian Comforts. . .

 I realized last week that I haven’t done much (hardly any!) of the sketching I thought I’d find time for during this confinement, so I unearthed a mini watercolour sketchbook and decided to try filling…

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In The Pink, Rose-Coloured Spectacles, La Vie en Rose. . . .

I had an important dentist appointment today, made back in January when we didn’t know yet that our world was changing. The appointment was to check my teeth alignment after fifteen months of Invisalign. I…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.

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