Lists and Confessions (and Shopping Bags in the Closet. . . .

Having published my list of Books I Read in 2019 over on my Reading Blog earlier this week, I’ve also managed to put together  the list I made after Sue (High Heels in the Wilderness)…

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Resistance (to Cashmere Sweater Dresses) Isn’t Futile (But It’s tough, In Paris)

 On my penultimate day in Paris last month, I was tempted by a grey cashmere sweater dress in the window of Comptoir des Cotonniers. Tempted enough to go inside and look at the dress, feel…

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Paris calling. . . .come for a walk with me?

If you’ve been peeking at my Instagram posts, you’ll know that while my flight went well, and I was smoothly processed through Charles De Gaulle (quietest I’ve ever seen it!), the pre-arranged car ride from…

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This New Sweater I Didn’t Knit — Blame the January Sales. . .

Do you remember this post, when I blamed an old co-worker — credited, rather — for the decision to wear a favourite but old pair of shoes rather than lacing up my new pink Oxfords…

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Outfits for the Shorter Days. . . .Keeping Spirits Bright When the Skies Just Aren’t!

A few outfits I’ve worn in the last week or two, as we move closer to the Winter Solstice. . . we’ve had a week of icy temperatures and sunny skies and now if we’ve…

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