Spring-ing for Navy, A Little “What I Wore”

I’m adding a quick hello, Friday, March 28th, to the readers visiting from Grechen’s Closet. Welcome!  I always enjoy comments, from new visitors as well as longtime friends. And perhaps you’ll stop by again. Meanwhile,…

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Practical Dressing. . . for the February Commute!

Now that feels better! A very good night’s sleep last night, and if all is not now completely right with the world, it’s a much better universe I live in now that I’m more rested.…

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What I’m Wearing, After some Closet-Clearing. . .

As I purge my wardrobe of clothes that no longer fit, thanks to recent weight loss, it becomes disconcertingly clear what a surfeit my closet held, despite its small size. It’s actually been a relief…

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But Santa Said I Could . . .

I did promise to show you one other photograph, gleaned from my Christmas shopping efforts of last week. This one is a Self-Gift, one of the inevitable results of too much time in the shops,…

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Festive Shopping — No, really!

Not quite so tired after a good night’s sleep, but still conserving energy — aiming it towards the shopping and the marking and, let’s be honest, the festive activities including the meet-up I have planned…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.