Alchemical Fantasy–The Amber Garden

The second post in a week, and I’m going to sneak in one more before the year (the decade!) is done. This post has been far too long in the making. Back in mid-October, I…

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The Patrick Melrose Novels, So Painful, So Funny. . .

I haven’t only been reading mysteries recently, although I’ve been lucky enough to have borrowed a number of good ones from the library these past several weeks. I’ve also read the first four Patrick Melrose novels…

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Two Juicy Big Mysteries

Not bad, not bad at all. . . only three weeks have elapsed since my last post, the one which I closed by promising to name the two fat mysteries I borrowed from the library’s…

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End-of-year Catch-up

I began writing this post over two weeks ago, and then Christmas preparations and festivities took over. Let me try again to sneak one last post into 2015… Short shrift though this post might be,…

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