Confinement Chic — Covid19 OOTDS (accompanied by sighs)

So. . . . Last year at this time I was in Bordeaux, following the scent of pink jasmine that climbed weathered architecture, wearing my new “pyjama pants” and revelling in the early spring warmth.…

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Buona Pasquetta — (Easter) Monday Reflections. . . .

 Buona Pasquetta! I’ve just learned that this is Italian for wishing you a Good/Happy Easter Monday (little Easter, to be more literal in my translation). . .  There has been some languishing here (a word…

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Friday Five: On Today’s “To Do” List

On today’s agenda: 1. Make two loaves of sourdough fermented bread — make, not bake, as this recipe requires another 24-36 hours in the fridge after the loaves have been formed into their brotfrom baskets and before they…

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Reality Bites — Or How I’m Getting My Groove Back. . .

After three wonderful days of visiting with Sue and Lisa — which included a delightful catch-up coffee with the inspiring Melanie of Bag and a Beret–, the reality of jet lag; of the fatiguing effects…

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Five Things Friday

Good morning! Let’s just get started, shall we? No time for preamble today. . . 1. If you haven’t seen this Instagram video yet, you might want to click on it for a view of…

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