Just for the Run of It. . . .

 I fell right off my running and fitness schedule this week, what with Nola’s birthday party followed by Harriet’s birth. These granddaughters! So Friday morning, over in Vancouver, I made sure to get out for…

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Weekend Running and Eating . . .

Outside, it’s dark and stormy, and those clouds had their contents shaken loose by a ravaging wind, so that I was pelted with rain all through my Long Slow Distance Run this morning.  My target…

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WIW again, Heading into the Weekend

Can I get away with another What I Wore quickie, low on the chat? The term pace has slacked off a little bit, now, as my students work on their research papers, and once I…

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What a Hoot! Running and Music and Owls . . .

Photo taken fromthis Wikipedia page Last week I was blessed by not just one, but two, encounters with barred owls. The first happened on a dark, rainy Wednesday morning after I had coaxed myself to…

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Running Priorities

 That was a goofy week! Thank goodness I had stored up a weekend of puttering, because once the week got going I never managed to get home before 9 p.m. Paul was away, so I…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.