Five Things Friday

1. The summer before last, Paul and I watched this film en français, in a great little repertory cinema in Bordeaux. We grasped enough to know it was powerful, very moving, but we knew we’d…

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Moving into the Year

Tomorrow I meet the first of my new classes, and I’m almost ready to put this winter break behind me and take up the rhythm of the year again. We’ve had a quiet few days…

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Pacing Myself, Staying Still — Keeping Fitness Real

“Embiggen” this photo to get a better view of the exuberant, joyful transformation of the formerly drab, industrial cement silos at Granville Island — by Brazilian artists Os Gemeos as part of Vancouver Biennale  …

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Cold Runnings. . .

 Right after I finished writing the last post here, I headed out for a run. Crossing the bridge, I almost turned back, the sidewalk icy under the layer of snow. But while the footing was…

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Autumn Running, Thinking, Working, Retiring. . . . Blazing Colourfully. . . .

 I was home getting a drink and using the toilet in between loops of my long run this morning when the slanting sunlight of an early Fall morning lit the autumn foliage in the back…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.