Running into Art. . . .

 Between all the belated birthday lunches and dinners with one sister, breakfast with another, I had calories to run off while I was in Vancouver. My usual Saturday morning long run was cancelled on account…

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Dressing and Depressing — Title for a Friday!

 Not sure what the triggers are, but I’ve been feeling flat lately. Heavy, blue-ish, verging disconcertingly close to the feeling that precedes the bout of depression I suffer occasionally, and that Itried writing about last…

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Reflections on a Running Route

 I’m so moved by all the kind words so many of you have left, congratulating me on reaching my goal of running a marathon — thank you so much! As you know, I generally try…

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1st Marathon at 60! I did it!

I’m limited to posting with Blogsy this morning on my iPad mini, neither of which are as easy for me to use as my regular set-up. Moreover, I’m importing photos from email and Facebook which…

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Bloomin’ Ready . . . to Run!

  Trying to decide, this morning, whether to post about my readiness for Sunday’s BMO Marathon or to post photographs of a favourite cut-leaf maple, just getting ready to spring into fullness of flower and…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.