What’s Navy and Gold and Feeling very Busy . . .

Classes are going well, so far. I generally enjoy the first few weeks, the honeymoon stage, I sometimes call it, before they get their first assignments marked, returned… A late October event I’m responsible for…

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Turning over that September Leaf — New Routines. . . .

Today, the first day back to school, I defiantly pulled on my white jeans — gasp! post-Labour-Day white — and quickly found a good reason for the rule. Dirt roads + rain + bicycle =…

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End of Summer Tears, Remembering Rome, Remembering Paris, Remembering Me. . .

As I ready myself for Summer’s freer schedule being swapped out for Fall’s more rigorous pace, what I’m really lamenting — besides not having picked a single bowl of blackberries this year! — is how…

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Running as Stress Relief, and What I Wore . . .

 Thanks you for so warmly welcoming my newest grandchild to the world. I do have a photo or two to share, but we’re packing up this morning to head back to the island with our…

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Traveling light and City Cycling

We just got home from buying two bikes for some city cycling. I’m excited about that! We cycle daily on our little island, of course, but the entire circumference of the dirt road is only…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.