What the no-longer-drowned-rat wore

If you can imagine a drowned rat, you’ll have a good idea what I looked like this morning when I got back from my run: it was cold, grey, and very wet, but since I’m…

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All good things must come to a temporary hiatus?

Besides so often arriving home on Wednesday too tired to feel enthusiastic about shoe-blogging, I’m running out of shoes that deserve a post. Yes, there are more shoes in my wardrobe, but I’m not sure…

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another busy weekend in the rain

1. Had a really pleasant dinner on Friday night at Taki’s Taverna on Davie with a colleague who was in town to take in a Writers Festival event. We had to rush a bit, sitting…

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Guess Who’s Going to Boston?

My little sister, that’s who!! Congratulations to Hilary, who finished the Royal Victoria Marathon yesterday in miserable rainy conditions managing a time of 3:48.18. Yay, Hilary — I bet you’ll be enjoying some massive doses…

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That weekend just sped by

Weekends really do go by too quickly, don’t they! I had a great time, starting Friday night when I met my daughter to check out her new coat on layaway at Aritzia. It looks great…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.