Cool Running: Inspiring Women Over 50

A quick follow-up to yesterday’s post on running (which embarrassed me as I was writing it, and does even more in retrospect — who am I to gave any advice at all on running motivation?!)…

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Just Running Around

This video was taken during Sunday morning’s Vancouver Sun Run— the route passed very near our condo, and the band you hear playing here began very early and very loud! We didn’t mind too much…

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Sunshine in a Cloudy Month

So the numbers are in, and apparently January was at least as bad as I thought it was. A summary in The Vancouver Sun yesterday reported that we only had 6.5 hours of bright sunshine…

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Vancouver running

We’re still enjoying crisp sunny days, blue skies and colourful leaves here on the West Coast. I’ve had some lovely runs this weekend although I hobbled myself a bit by including 700 stairs in Friday’s…

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First, a proud and hearty Congratulations to my little sister, Kathy, who completed the Royal Victoria Marathon yesterday in 4:22.39! Little sis’ has four kids, has fulltime paid work, does a crazy amount of volunteer…

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