We Are Family; I got all my Sisters with Me!*

With 3 of my sisters (left to right Kathy, Me, Rachel, and Hilary) after today’s Harry’s Spring Run-Off 8K. It’s an annual fundraiser to support Prostate Cancer Research, a special cause for us since that’s…

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Random Stuff from a Busy Weekend (Shoes Included)

Fewer and farther between, these posts, with fewer and fewer photos. I hope that will change soon, but given that this is Week 4 of the term, I suspect it will get worse before it…

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A Running Story . . .

Although my left foot — heel, left instep, ankle, probably Achilles stuff which has happened before and which probably relates to a long-ago broken leg — has been bothering me lately, I haven’t yet felt…

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Happiness Is . . .

ReadingLa Belette Rouge’s post about Happiness (and Happy-ishness) yesterday, I thought I’d follow her lead and list a few of the things I’m NOT complaining about these days (’cause I get that there’s been a…

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A Loud Bang and Some Cheering Music

Did you hear that loud bang? That was my summer, coming to a crashing halt. Yesterday I was hanging out in the hammock, reading (admittedly, I was reading a heavily footnoted academic tome, but still).…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.