Garden Delights and Running News

Perhaps eight, maybe ten years ago, I commented to a colleague who also gardens that I really loved a small tree, just below our department’s building, one that managed to be festooned with both white…

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Minor Triumphs and Tribulations — Must They Always Travel in Tandem?!

My intention was to post today about my lovely weekend visit with Daughter #3 and our visit to the spa. Instead, I spent the day writing a conference paper proposal. I’d decided earlier that I…

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Fall Honours . . .

Thanks so much to Fashion over Fifty for honouring me as a Versatile Blogger. Fashion over Fifty is a relatively new blog to me, and I’ve recently been enjoying having another brave “woman of a…

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A Different Look For Me — Half Marathon!!

Most of the photos I post of myself here concern my efforts to look my best, to develop a style of my own. Much as I want to contribute to the diversity of images we…

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Running and Karaoke and Opera and Garden Pretties — Really!

Euphorbia’s brilliantly acid green. Photos have nothing to do whatsoever with text, today, except that all reflect spring’s pleasures. I took these garden shots in last weekend’s sunshine. Yesterday the spring showers turned to vicious…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.