Not for Want of a Nail — One More Running Post

Note that dirty line running from the sole of my runner along the side of my shoe across that central stretch of mesh — and the puncture mark on the sole below it — where…

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Finished my Half Marathon, tooting my horn!

Just a very quick post to say that I finished my Half Marathon today — my time wasn’t as good as I’d hoped, thanks to the cold, I guess. I came in around 2:05, which…

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Blooms beat Gloom

The weekend’s going to be grey and rainy, but with these little guys popping up all over, who can be gloomy? Mind you, I’m tempted to gloominess by a cough that’s threatening to become something…

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Sunning and Running . . .

Tell me if this is too much of a good thing . . . but we don’t get this kind of sunrise that often, and this one struck me as using such a different palette…

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Birthdays and Other Milestones . . .

What a fabulous weekend! Little girl loved her birthday party, a very simple family-only affair built around some delicious homemade lasagne, garlic bread, caesar salad, topped off by a yummy carrot cake — the best…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.