Keeping it Real — What I Wore on the Mountain . . .

I must admit that I’ve become increasingly less interested in the Visibility Project, as I’ll call it, on a variety of blogs. Jennifer and I talked about the What I Wore phenomenon when we were…

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Ups and Downs, Fears and Summits. . .

 A few weeks ago, we attempted this hike, but stopped about 20 minutes from the summit, when my fear of heights smashed me into a crying jag. We snuck up on the summit from a…

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Excellent Guests. . . . and Why I Run! And Why I Won’t. . .

My daughter and granddaughter came for a visit last Friday, and my son-in-law joined us on Saturday. Sunday morning, I headed out for my run after cuddling and laughing with little Harriet. Each loop of…

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Divertissements . . . .

 Sometimes one just has to look determinedly in a happy direction. . . .These miniature irises, for example, are good for the eye to focus on, even shielded as they’ve had to be, against the…

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In the Running . . .

Here’s an enlarged cropped photo my husband took with his cellphone as I ran past him about 300 metres from the Finish Line of the Vancouver First Half Marathon this morning. I was surfing a…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.