Post-travel Adjusting, Dog-gedly

May I just say that 7 weeks’ travel far from home — and the return from that travel — is one good way to begin understanding and even constructing one’s retirement identity? I’m thinking about…

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Last Paris post for now

I kept trying to capture fall foliage but whether it’s the year’s weather or the type of tree, Autumn seems subtle here, not so inclined to reds and oranges…   You’re all so understanding and supportive…

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And the Un-Planned, the Un-Planning, of Travel

I had imagined I’d find more time during our month in Bordeaux for writing longer, more thoughtful posts, essays almost, in which I worked to sort out some thinking around my transition into retirement, some…

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Settling In — Bonjour Bordeaux

Happily settling in our rented Bordeaux house, listening to québécois singer, Coeur de Pirate, convinced of the worth of packing along the little Jawbone Jambox speaker. Early September sunshine shifts over the vine-festooned garden wall…

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Travel and Independence and Getting On, Part 2…

I’m beginning this second post about Travel and Independence very aware of how much ground I have to cover. The conversation that’s already emerging in the wake of my first post on the topicsuggests so…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.