Learning a Thing or Two About Myself, In Retirement. . .

Some recent random aperçus, or observations — not quite epiphanies, but bordering on — about this state of my retirement and my move through what some sociologists are calling Young Old Age (sometimes designated as…

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The Big Move: Two and a Half Years Later. . .

Today’s post is the sort I used to write more often but have moved away from lately — partly because they can take so much to write (and I’ve tended to hive that energy off…

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Blogging Directions as a Retiree Adjusts. . .

Later next week, I expect I’ll be sharing my impressions of Edinburgh with you — what to blog about is always so much easier to decide when travelling.  Right now,  though,  I’m feeling considerable ambivalence…

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Monday’s List: Begin as I Mean to Go On. . . Or Something Like That. . .

Although I’m beginning my fourth year of retirement this month (!), I still find that the rhythm of my life is influenced by the notion of Monday as the beginning of a “work” week —…

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Last Week, This Week: Goalposts and Resolutions and Jump-Starts

I woke with a very welcome resolve this morning.  For some reason, that’s been lacking lately. I’ve been busy enough: last week, Iengaged social media to support my sister’s activism and, with my husband, enjoyed…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.