A Busy Week, A Happy Surprise, A Couple of Outfits

My current theory for feeling too busy is that I’m still adjusting to a less restricted social life as we enter a fourth year of living with “that virus.” A privileged kind of busy, I know, the post-retirement variety. But I wrote about it anyway. Perhaps you can relate; perhaps you’ll roll your eyes. Read on to find out . . .

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Stitching up January; Switching rhythm!

Over a lifetime, I’ve learned how to balance a variety of competing interests and activities, so that I maintain skills and continue to enjoy the most important without feeling overloaded. But in retirement as in my former “working life,” that balance and daily or weekly rhythm can get disrupted by certain elements on the calendar. January, for example. . .

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Interview with a Bold Retiree (She Moved to Portugal!)

I’m so pleased — and excited! — to bring you this digital visit with a recently retired former Los Angelena who, with her husband, dreamed up a big move and new lifestyle in Portugal —…

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My Light-Bulb Moment of the Week. . . Of Revelations and Recalibrations

 You may laugh at me, but here’s a “true confession”: I had a light-bulb moment the other day, in which I realized that “Hey, I’m doing a lot, verging on too much.”  The various activities…

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Retirement Move, Interrupted. . . . Or, After Covid, Portugal.. .

I can’t remember how or when I twigged to an impending retirement move by a frequent reader/commenter, here. But it didn’t take long for that move, in all its complexities and joys and losses and…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.