Oh, incidentally . . .
That title is supposed to be my catchy hook to introduce a book of short stories, Incidental Music, by my good friend and next-door neighbour, Carol Matthews. It was launched today in a lovely event…
View PostThat title is supposed to be my catchy hook to introduce a book of short stories, Incidental Music, by my good friend and next-door neighbour, Carol Matthews. It was launched today in a lovely event…
View PostI quite enjoyed making a random list of observations last Saturday, so I think I’ll try that again. 1. Miriam Felton, the designer of the Icarus ShawlI recently completed, mentioned my shawl and linked to…
View PostSomewhat random observations over the weekend: 1. Sad to hear that Madeleine L’Engle died this weekend, but at 88, she’d had a full life. My younger sister introduced me to A Wrinkle in Time in…
View PostAfter those very busy posts of last week, the hairdos, the domestic goddesses, the dogwashing, you know, all that fun, it’s time for some calm around here. Paul and I have had a quiet weekend…
View PostI love the flexibility of this blog-writing — in fact, I’m rediscovering that I love writing itself. Because I have this outlet, I tend to push little thoughts into coalescence. Random observations spin themselves into…
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