BC Day — Relaxing in the Garden

On Coastal British Columbia, we’re finally enjoying the consistent summer weather that paints every outdoor activity with pure joy. And it’s BC Day today! So we have a province of folks squeezing summer out of…

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It’s Over . . .and It’s Started!

 It’s all cleared away, although there’s a container of mincemeat in the fridge, several more of turkey soup in the freezer, to remind us that Christmas was here. While I was putting together course outlines…

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Grandparenting on the Island

We’re heading for an afternoon nap right now, Nola and I, her grandfather having headed off to town for groceries. So far, we’ve played trains together (there’s Brio track looping madly all over the kitchen…

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September Dreaming Spring . . . French Spring . . .

Although I love where I live, especially when Orcas swim by. and although I appreciate September’s cooling days with the return to classes, meeting new students, greeting my colleagues again, my thoughts do sometimes drift…

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Family Celebrations and Obligations . . .

A very busy weekend, familias-style. Saturday night, our kids celebrated Pater’s retirement with a pizza party, homemade dough and toppings for customizing. Nola had a great time with aunts and uncles to indulge her every…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.