Of Old Cats and Christmas Baubles

I’ve almost finished the Paris exhibition post I committed to a week or so ago, revealing the name of the artist whose work I teased you with, and sharing our approach to art expo visits…

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Trading Cuteness for Patience . . .

If I had a blog Executive Assistant, I would ask her to take pictures of a few important items for the Five Accessories meme Une Femme tagged me with, upload them to Blogger, and write…

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Rest in Peace, old girl

We had to put our lovely old Golden Retriever, Skeena, to sleep today. She was over 11 and suddenly fell ill. Luckily Pater was able to fly home from work to take her on one…

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rainbows and puppies and seals, oh my!

Isn’t this double rainbow heartening? I never get tired of spotting these — they bring me as much delight as when I was a child. This was the view from our porch on Saturday —…

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