Journal Pages — Paris Purchases, Sketched near Rome. . .

Back home almost a week now, I’m beginning to sleep a bit better (5 1/2 hours in one stretch last night, the most continuous sleep in weeks), and I’m settling back into a very pleasant…

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Art and/of Perfume

Caesar Boetius van Everdingen’s Girl in a Wide Hat (oil on canvas, c. 1645-1650) symbolizes summer as convincingly as does the painting of lady Winter by the same artist, hung on an adjoining wall in…

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Fragrance of Life

Having been barely home a week from Europe before going over to Vancouver to spend a week there with family, I’m now back and getting reacquainted with my garden. If, as this bench above (situated…

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Green Notes

If there’s a plant whose leaves capture dewdrops more beautifully than Lady’s Mantle (alchemilla mollis), I’d like to know what it is. And isn’t it the most beautifully blue shade of green? And speaking of…

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Mater’s heading East

We’re over in Vanc’r right now, arriving here just as the Gay Pride parade was finished so the atmosphere is very festive, especially since we’ve got fabulous summer weather back again. I made sure we…

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