Carry-On Wardrobe Report, at the Halfway Mark

One month, one carry-on case, two countries, five cities, 25 degrees Celsius and sunny to thunderstorms to walking home after dinner when the thermometer’s dropped to 8C. So far it’s worked well, with only one embarrassing wardrobe malfunction . . . click through to read and see more.

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Postcards from Paris

We’re no longer in Paris (took the train to Turin for a few days, now we’re in a seaside town near Rome), but I’m sending you a few postcards of windows I admired there. On lèche les vitrines!

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Pyjama Days . . . Getting this New Year started . . .

These early days of January can be a challenge, and sometimes we just want to go back to bed. I was dreaming of luxurious loungewear, such as I’d seen in a Paris shop window. And he was on a Mission to buy me cozy pyjamas. . . with some comic results. Read on. . .

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Paris Again. . . Walking and Looking . . . Art for Free!

I’m a bit under the weather today, taking a “sick day” — and it seems a good excuse to revisit some walks in Paris. Let me quickly share some public/street art and windows from my visit last month. . . And a bonus list of Things to Do Every Day from one of that city’s shop owners. . .

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African Art in a Paris Park

Our first day in Paris this past October, we serendipitously discovered this powerful work by Ivorian artist Jems Robert Bi. Back home, I’ve had the chance to find out a bit more his work and about contemporary African art in general. Confirming for me once again that Paris will always be new to me . . .

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.