Birthdays, Mothers, Lilacs, Remembered

Lilacs carry a childhood memory for me, as they did for my mother. And each May, as they bloom around Mother’s Day and my birthday, the memories stir again, evoked by fragrance, by tiny blossoms clustered against the sky.

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Sketching a Memory of My Mother

Last week on Instagram, I posted a sketch inspired by a photo of my mother in Greece, circa 1981. Some asked to see the photo itself, so I’ve posted it here, along with my recollections (disappointingly thin, I reproach myself!) of a trip my Mother took — without my Dad — 40 years ago. Also some musings about Time and Memory and Family — so strange from the perspective of a Late Sexagenarian. . . Perhaps you can relate?

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Canada Day Musings: What Mom Taught Me

Canada Day– July 1st, the celebration of the confederation of the first four provinces in 1867 —  has always been a problematic day for many Canadians.  Chinese-Canadians, for example, have referred to it as Humiliation…

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Back-Alley Walks with Art and Book News

One of my blog intentions for 2021 was to duplicate here my Books Read This Month post from Materfamilias Reads,  I had intended to try this doubled-posting approach until the end of the year and…

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Creative Frugality, of Mending and Making and Finding Joy

I was halfway through a post about the lead-up — the Advent — to this Christmas, this holiday season in which Covid-19 has toppled all our expectations. . .  I’d included some laments but moved…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.