Word-less Wednesday — Let’s Stroll Through Montreal Together. . .

As you guessed, my two-hour train ride Monday morning took me to Montreal for an all-too-short, yet nonetheless satisfying visit to that wonderfully vibrant city, with the weather turning to spring perfection just for me.…

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Montreal Mysteries on Canada Day. . .

Whoops! I see there’s some danger of slipping back into my old ways; it’s three weeks since I last posted. (echoes there, aren’t there, of my old Catholic formula for confession? Bless me, Father, it’s…

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The Writing’s on the Wall . . . in Montreal

My last night here, I’m back in my hotel room before 8 because the author reading I was so looking forward to turned out to have taken place this morning — I assumed that 7:45…

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Montreal neighbourhood architecture

Besides the exuberant use of colour, as I showed you in yesterday’s posts, older Montreal neighbourhoods are marked by a wealth of architectural detail — especially, but not only, balconies and exterior stairs. Not even…

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Some Montreal colour

You know the cliché about the picture being worth a thousand words? Well, here are six thousand words, just for you — I walked for hours, literally, this afternoon, after attending a great panel this…

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