Happy Easter

 Easter seems a good day to finally share some of the photos of the wonderful stained glass windows in Metz’ s Cathédrale St. Etienne.  The one below is of one of the windows by Marc…

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Operatic Departures . In which we pack up in Paris . . .

Last week, in Metz, we strolled across the bridge to check out the opera house in Metz. Apparently the oldest (still working) opera house in France, and one of the oldest in Europe, it still…

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More windows — They seem to be a theme around here!

For military or ancient or architectural history buffs, Metz has much to offer. Its strategic location near the French-German border means there are stone testaments to the need for fortification dating straight back to Roman…

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Windows of Metz

We are in Metz, which abounds with beautiful, beautiful vitraux — those above can be found in the Cathedral, just across the street from our charming room which looks directly at it when we draw back…

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