You Ask? I Answer. . .

I’m back from the dentist — I’m going back in on Thursday to begin getting another crown; I really think that teeth are a big flaw in the design! — and I said I’d answer…

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Me-me-me-me 4x meme

The Masterfully-punning and ever-so-stylish Miss Cavendish tagged me last week with this “four things” meme. Looks like quick fun, so here goes . . . Four places I go over and over: Paris — our…

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Brought to You by the Number Eleven

Realized with a “Yikes” when looking at Julianne’s recent post that I haven’t yet done the little meme homework that Une Femme gave me before she went to Paris. So I’m catching up, and here…

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I’m It! Another Meme about Me

Mardel at SewDistractedtagged me with this meme several weeks ago, even before I got back from holiday. I’m enjoying reading these at numerous blogs lately, and I thought it might be fun to join in.…

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From Paris to Haiku

Because I’m detouring briefly away from Paris talk today, I’ll offer you a conciliatory Paris photo. Here, Pater stands in front of a clever example of street art in the La Bièvre section, in the…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.