Friday Five — Daybreak and Links

Over the last few years, I’ve somehow established a pattern of waking between 5 and 5:30 a.m., sometimes even earlier. I’d love to get a bit more sleep, but as compensation for the open eyelids,…

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The Friday Five, Full of Promise(s)

Back in Vancouver, jet lag vanquished, my morning run completed, some babysitting on the afternoon’s agenda, and a burgeoning list of things I want to do competing with the list of things I really must…

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Sunday Reading — A Few Links for You

Crossing nine time zones is wearing, especially if it’s done in two flights, the second one delayed several hours in an extremely busy international airport requiring movement from one big terminal to another. Leaving early…

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one more link for you

This one is more relevant to Canadian readers, but if you’re the least bit interested in our politics (we’re several weeks into a federal election campaign right now, with voting on October 14th) OR if…

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Links I liked this week

With all the supportive, encouraging comments after my last post, I’m feeling a bit like Tinkerbelle, revived by the clapping hands of children who believe in fairies (did I just date myself appallingly? does anyone…

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