Blog Veil and Knitted “jeans” for Nola

Just as a reminder that a blog, while revealing much about a writer’s personality, only gives its readers a partial view of the blogger’s life. For example, my former doctoral supervisor visited Pater and I…

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Six Birds and a Sweater

Pater asked me the other day if I thought I was enjoying life as much as I could or should. He’d been asking himself that same question, wondering whether he was appreciating the passing moments…

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Hats and All That

You’ve seen this hat before, here and here, on the head of my handsome “little” brother, but I love this shot my BIL took where it shows up like a beautifully woven basket or piece…

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London Surprises — He knitted their socks!

To acknowledge that there has been little knitting content here lately is to overstate the case. While many knitters do dial back in the summer, that’s not usually my practice; if anything, I knit more…

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weekend plans and new scarf

It’s rainy and windy right now, with a possibility of flurries, but all that weather is supposed to be ushering in more sunshine — like last weekend’s, which I used to photograph this scarf (the…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.