More Knitting, For the Record . . .

Colour and cutting adventures have not been the only knitting around here. Besides the mid-steek colour explosion above, blogged about the other day, I had a number of projects completed at the end of 2009…

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Happiness is . . . a New Sweater

I have so much I’d love to tell you, but I’m finding it very difficult to squeeze any writing minutes out of my day. So for now, here’s my finished Tangled Yoke Cardigan — I’m…

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Happiness Is . . .

ReadingLa Belette Rouge’s post about Happiness (and Happy-ishness) yesterday, I thought I’d follow her lead and list a few of the things I’m NOT complaining about these days (’cause I get that there’s been a…

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Colour Compensations

I am so tired this evening, and my bike tire needs air but the pump’s so crappy that more air got out than in and now it’s even flatter but my arms are too tired…

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New Sweater, new socks . . .

It’s been rather satisfying, lately, to be finishing off a number of knitting projects — here’s a pair of socks destined for my Pilates instructor who suffers from chilblains, especially when she comes back from…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.