hats, movies, drinks, sushi, and music, glorious music

Yes, I finished Koolhaas, wove the ends in, and even took a self-portrait wearing it. Not sure if I’ll keep it or put it in the gift pile. I used a leftover skein of Diamond…

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Mission Possible 2008: the stash exposed

A few years ago at the annual January sale at my LYS (Local Yarn Shop for non-knitters), I overheard one woman say to her friend, “If I die suddenly, make sure you get into that…

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still thinking about paintings and life

Out for a run after posting about my paintingsyesterday, I started thinking about a couple of smaller marine paintings we bought years ago while living in Prince Rupert. We gave one as a wedding gift…

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let it (not) snow!

This is what I got to wear today! Moccasins and warm hand-knit socks and leggings and big comfy, hand-knit, lambswool-angora sweater! Because today got called a snow day! While there’s not a flake of snow…

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