Random Thoughts

Not so capable of sustained thought and writing today, so what about a collection of bits and pieces I’ve been meaning to get to: 1. A few weekends ago, we rented Gone, Baby, Gone and…

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knitting up some colour — tulips and cables

Looking over my past few posts, I wonder how I can expect readers to return if I persist in showing them fog, fog, and more fog. So let’s change it up a bit and bring…

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Random Thoughts on a Sick Day

I’m home sick today, hoping that one good day of rest will stave off the bronchitis or laryngitis that I’ve seen develop in colleagues from this same nasty bug. I’m getting impatient for a return…

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some winter beauty, warm legs, good reading

Although I complain about the cold weather lately, and the ice and snow makes it hard to hike up the hill to work, when the sun comes out and shines on the snow-capped Coast Mountains…

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Bloggers who Make My Day — and some knitting besides

Even the sunny promise of my shiny new shoeswasn’t enough to ward off the cold that began threatening this week, and after dragging myself through class yesterday (so grateful for groupwork and videos!), I’m in…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.