dollar and a quarter? cardigan ready for seaming

The bad language has subsided, I’ve taken the requisited number of deep breaths, and I visited my LYS (Mad About Ewe in Nanaimo) for another opinion. Here is my Dollar-and-a-Half Cardigan all laid out prior…

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Knitting Report

Not sure if it’s just a coincidence, but the progress on my rotator cuff wasn’t so good this week; in fact, I seem to have slightly less range of motion than the week before. Wonder…

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Le Slouch is going to Paris

Last year, when we visited Paris, Jennifer, the very warm co-owner ofHôtel Résidence Les Gobelins, lent us a book about day outings from Paris, short trips which would get us out of the city but…

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My new knIT Bag

I made the mistake of stopping by my LYS (local yarn shop for you non-knitters) on the way to the Vanc’r ferry on Friday, even though I am committed to using up stash for now.…

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finally some knitting content

There has been so little knitting content around here for some time now that I fear all my knitting readers have long gone. But I did finish this Odessa hat a while ago, using the…

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