Summer reds

Paterfamilias is on an icebreaker wending his way through “a sea of light,” as he put it — the surrounding ice, after all, reflects the sunlight all twenty-four hours of the day. Oddly, while I’m…

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And the winner is . . .Indigo Ripples!

Thank you so much for participating in my Blogaversery Contest. It was such fun meeting so many of you, long-time visitors and new ones. I’ve never had so many commenters before, and altho’ some of…

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Minor Knitting Tragedy — but we’re still celebrating here

Before you start reading today’s post, can I ask if you know about my Anniversary contest? Please go leave a commentat the contest post where you have a chance to win a book. Can you…

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Finished Knitting: Dollar-and-a-Half Cardigan

I had hoped, among all our other activities this weekend, to get someone to photograph me wearing my new sweater. But we were too busy eating out, going to concerts, running, visiting the Art Gallery,…

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Knitting Report from Europe

I expect to be in Portugal when you read this, taking many pictures and storing up adventures to tell you about when I return. While I may find a computer and Internet to post occasionally,…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.