It never gets old . . .

Much as we complain about grey, rainy days (ha! more like weeks, no, months!) on the West Coast of Canada, we generally acknowledge our good fortune in wonderful springs that begin unfolding their treasures for…

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playing olympic tourist

As I mentioned last post, we had fun this weekend playing tourist and observing all the visitors to a city I’ve always known. Friday evening we wandered among the crowd for a while, watching the…

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Our Littlest Athlete

I’m in Vancouver this weekend, where signs of the impending Olympics are everywhere. Most of these signs reflecct the staggering security budget: helicopters buzz overhead and rigid-hull inflatables zip along the waters in Coal Harbour.…

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For the Value of INefficiency — hurrah!

Last summer, I quoted from a BC Bookworld review of Shannon Stratton’s essay “Getting Things Done: On Needlecraft and Free Time,” published in Volume III of Craft Perception and Practice: A Canadian Discourse, edited by…

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Acceptance as/or Re-Invention

I wrote this post some time ago, but then let the draft sit, almost deleting it once or twice. Then I saw Duchesse’s post today and her query about how we might be re-inventing ourselves…

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