All My Faces . . .

 Lisa at AmidPrivilege wrote a probing, thoughtful post last Saturday on on-line personae and authentic selves.  Of course, we in the post-structuralist, postmodern Humanities no longer believe in authenticity of the self anyway. But most…

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Roses and Weddings and a Mother’s Rambling Thoughts

Bride-to-be picked up the succulents for her floral/table arrangements yesterday and she and her future mom-in-law and a girlfriend, I think, put them together in the vases her guy had scrounged up. I wish I’d…

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Paris Shutters

Lately, all my post-writing begins with uploading photos — on this wee netbook (and with recent problems I’ve encountered with Blogger), it’s been easier that way. But it has the effect of allowing the visuals…

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Thinking through the Aftermath . . .

Daughter # 3, the one whose superpowers, she freely concedes, include a propensity to melodrama, called me Friday night, and despite her pretense at initial small talk, I instantly sensed the tears in her voice.…

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Picking At The Rough Ends . . .

I know that when Roland Barthes wrote of the punctum, the tiny point or wound that punctures a photo’s studium or field, that draws and disturbs the eye, he had much weighter poignancies in mind…

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