Sketching Style. . .

After a busy weekend (Saturday: Italian class, lunch with friends, favourite sushi date with favourite guy; Sunday: stretch class and long walk, afternoon and dinner with grandkids and daughter. . . favourite guy made ravioli…

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The Friday Five, Full of Promise(s)

Back in Vancouver, jet lag vanquished, my morning run completed, some babysitting on the afternoon’s agenda, and a burgeoning list of things I want to do competing with the list of things I really must…

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Five Things Friday, Some Festive Included. . .

I will be at the dentist this morning, having stitches removed, and getting the all-clear to finish off my meds and begin getting back to my normal routine. And Five Things Friday seems a good…

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Mirrors and Lenses. . . .oh, and Accessories. . .

I had a few more photos from the “shoot” (ha!) that resulted inMonday’s post, and since the next post I’m working on is a bit more wordy, a lot more serious, I thought perhaps I’d…

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Bracelet Love!

I’ve been wearing this little arm party regularly since January, when my Mom gave me the middle bracelet, having given one to each of my sisters and sisters-in-law at Christmas. Her oddities around gift-giving would…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.