Mending My Way Back Home . . .

In a fishing town in Lazio, Italy, I was delighted to see signs of another Mender of Textiles . . . in a surprising medium: fishing nets! Click through for my photos of this Practical Random Beauty . . . and my musings on the way this encounter with mending far away from home brings Travel and Domestic Life together.

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Carry-On Wardrobe Report, at the Halfway Mark

One month, one carry-on case, two countries, five cities, 25 degrees Celsius and sunny to thunderstorms to walking home after dinner when the thermometer’s dropped to 8C. So far it’s worked well, with only one embarrassing wardrobe malfunction . . . click through to read and see more.

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Postcards from Turin

Wifi is still elusive here, but I’ve managed to scrawl a few postcards to send you. Click through to learn about these bulls to be spotted all over Turin, and to see some of the city’s architectural and alimentary delights.

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In the Neighbourhood, Walking to Italy . . .

In this post, I return to a little series I call “Walking, Wearing, Listening” in which I share photos of what I wore on a neighbourhood walk along with photos of that neighbourhood — and tell you a bit about a podcast I listened to. In this post, the podcast will take me (and you, should you care to join me) to Naples, even as I walk the streets around me here in Vancouver. Walk with me?

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Italian Lessons On Sicily

A few weeks ago, I gave a presentation to my Saturday morning Italian class on my recent trip to Italy. Some readers kindly encouraged me to share the written version here — with an English translation, of course. And a few photos. Click through if you’d like to meet my Inner Italian, Francesca.

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.