Italian Chef to Contemporary Art in Bordeaux: Following Breadcrumbs, Connecting Dots, Travelling Art-fully . . .

In my Italian class this summer, we’re reading our way through Italian journalist Aldo Cazzullo’s book of interviews with 70 Italiani Che Resteranno — or, 70 Italians (drawn from the last three or four decades)  who will…

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My Light-Bulb Moment of the Week. . . Of Revelations and Recalibrations

 You may laugh at me, but here’s a “true confession”: I had a light-bulb moment the other day, in which I realized that “Hey, I’m doing a lot, verging on too much.”  The various activities…

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Le Piccole Cose . . . It’s The Little Things, in Life, in Romance, in OOTDs . . .

A twist, today, in my little series on What I Wore, What I Listened To, and What I Saw while walking. . .  I didn’t wear this outfit for walking, at least not any further…

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Friday Five as I “Hold Space”. . . .

A Friday Five post as I continue to think about what I want to write here.  I’ve always had nigglings of discomfort about the privilege my blog represents and my self-consciousness about that is greater…

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Confinement Chic — Covid19 OOTDS (accompanied by sighs)

So. . . . Last year at this time I was in Bordeaux, following the scent of pink jasmine that climbed weathered architecture, wearing my new “pyjama pants” and revelling in the early spring warmth.…

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Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.