Five Things Friday

Didn’t that week roll around to Friday quickly? Damn, that was fast! Busy work week, and I’m trying to fight off sinusitis (not officially diagnosed, no antibiotics yet, but drip. drip. drip. Not to mention…

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Summer Sitting, In Colour. . . .

 We added two more colours to our collection of beach chairs — I trusted to Paul’s choosing, knowing I’d love a random effect (he asked for the pink one, was corrected by the floor staff…

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Couch Potato . . . Cute Version!

Change of pace here while I try to pick up the rhythm of a return to work for one more week of classes — must admit I’d prefer to play couch potato, like my darling…

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Waiting, on Easter Weekend

It feels so odd, alienating, to be here, at home, on the island, while my mother only occasionally achieves consciousness, breathing through her mouth in a deep sleep in a hospice bed across the Strait.…

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Sunday Morning Happy

Given that I haven’t had more than 3 quiet hours to myself for several weeks, I had slightly mixed feelings about my daughter arriving with baby Harriet for an extended weekend, Harriet’s daddy joining us…

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